Тест на знание английского

Если вы читаете этот текст, значит пришло время ставить новые цели и думать, чего вы хотите достичь выбрав школу или курс для изучения английского языка!

Тест на знание английского

1 1. I think we could discuss it later over a cup of coffee.

2 2. I’d love to go on holiday in August.

3 3. I hope you had a nice trip.

4 4. He doesn’t work in that company any more.

5 5. (while pouring a glass of wine) You say:

6 6. Would you like to go out tonight?

7 7. Could you pass me the pencil, please?

8 8. Do you know the area?

9 9. See you next week!

10 10. Thanks for your help!

11 11. Coffee?

12 12. We need a new car.

13 13. Why are you so late?

14 14. I am moving next month.

15 15. Shall we get a train to Paris?

16 16. She has done well in the dancing competition.

17 17. I saw Max smoking and he is only 10!

18 18. Her dogs are really friendly.

19 19. She is always making excuses and getting away with it.

20 20. Thanks for showing me around the office!

21 21. Could you do me a favour?

22 22. What is he like?

23 23. She has grown so much!

24 24. Let’s celebrate!

25 25. Hello! Nice to meet you!

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